The SLA-3 is a linear-tracking or tangential tonearm made by Souther Engineering Corp. of Canton, Massachusetts. Most of the currently available linear-tracking tonearms are integral parts of turntables and are often supplied with a phono cartridge installed by the manufacturer. The Souther SLA-3 is one of the very few linear -tracking tonearms which can be purchased separately. It comes without a cartridge and can be mounted on the turntable of your choice. The difference between a linear-tracking tonearm and a pivoted tonearm is the manner in which the cartridge is moved across the record. The more common, pivoted tonearm causes the cartridge to traverse the record in an arc. This means that, if no cartridge offset and overhang were used, the cartridge could be exactly tangent to the record groove at only one spot on the record. The use of offset and overhang, if properly adjusted, allows the cartridge to be exactly tangent at two locations across the record.
The reason the cartridge should be tangent to the groove across the entire record is that the cutter heads used to make records are moved by a precision lathe system in a straight line from the rim toward the center of the record. If cutter heads were moved by a pivoted mechanism, then pivoted tonearms could be made to follow the same arc and would, therefore, trace the groove exactly as it was originally made.
If a cartridge doesn’t trace the groove exactly as made by the cutter head, distortion results. As it is, it would appear that the linear-tracking or tangential technique is the best way to achieve zero tracking error across the record.
The obvious question is then: Why aren’t all tonearms made this way?
The answer is too complex to discuss completely in this report, but here is a brief explanation of one of the problems: When the record is being made, the cutter is driven across the record and decides where the groove shall be. When the record is being played, the cartridge must determine where the groove is, and some method must be used to supply the force needed to make the cartridge follow the groove. It sounds simple - until you start to list the imperfections of real records.
If they were perfectly concentric, if they had no warps, if the number of grooves per inch were exactly the same for all records, etc.-in other words, if records were perfectly uniform and predictable, then the problems to be solved would be much simpler.
As it is, the vast majority of tonearms use the horizontal-pivoting and offset-cartridge technique because, while such tonearms can’t be perfect and are hard to de- sign, the problems encountered in designing a linear -track- ing tonearm are even greater. Some linear -tracking tonearms use a servo motor to overcome friction and maintain the cartridge tangent to the groove, but they are expensive, and the servo itself can cause problems.
Mechanical, non-servo, linear arms were made in the past, however. Lou Souther decided, in December 1979, to tackle the problems of designing a linear-tracking tonearm. He had spent 26 years with the Department of Defense until he decided to take an early retirement in 1981. He had also worked for manufacturers of radar and communication antenna systems. His experience in the mechanical design of tracking antennas, coupled with his love of audio (his first hi-fi system was assembled in 1953), came together, and he formed Souther Engineering to design and manufacture a high-quality, linear-tracking tonearm.
He decided that, if the problem of friction could be overcome, he would not have to use a servo system. This would mean a decided reduction in complexity and, therefore, lower cost and increased reliability. The results of Lou’s efforts are embodied in the Souther linear-tracking tonearm and are covered by 24 claims in U.S. Patent No. 4,346,467.
In 1982 the Souther tonearm won a Design and Engineering Award at the Consumer Electronics Show. There were earlier versions (the SLA-1 and SLA-2); the tonearm that is tested here is the SLA-3. The intricate detailing of the rigid, polyurethane plastic parts of the SLA-3 was the first thing that I noticed. Most linear-tracking tonearms of the past have not displayed the attention to detailing or finish which Souther has lavished upon the SLA-3. This gave me the immediate impression that the SLA-3 has been carefully engineered and is a serious attempt to overcome the problems that have plagued linear-tracking tonearms of the past.
The tiny phono leads were the next thing noticed; they are the thinnest, most flexible that have ever seen. Because they are so thin and flexible, their contribution to the total friction must be very small. They are reinforced at each end by flexible silicone rubber. The cartridge carrier has three stainless-steel wheels, each with precision bearings, which ride on two round quartz-rod tracks. This serves as the horizontal bearing system. I checked the friction by moving the carrier back and forth along the tracks and it seemed very low, which is a necessity for proper operation of this design. I noticed that, because the cartridge carrier is held on the two tracks by gravity alone, it appears to have more play than might be desirable. I checked the vertical bearings by hand and they had very low friction and no excess play.
I counted 12 (twelve) adjusting screws, not counting those used to mount the cartridge! The Souther SLA-3 is not difficult to mount to most good turntables. A few turntables, such as the Oracle, may re- quire an adaptor, since the SLA-3 base is rectangular and its longer side is 31/2 inches. Adjusting the SLA-3 for proper performance is not an easy task. The instructions which received were not as clear as think they should be. A great deal of adjusting and readjusting was necessary over a long period of time before I was satisfied that the performance was as good as it could be. The listening panel sessions and the technical measurements were repeated a number of times. It is important that the turntable and the tonearm be close to perfectly level. A bubble level is mounted on the aluminum strip which separates and supports the two quartz-rod tracks. This is used to level the tonearm and turntable after they have been made parallel.
The tracking force is adjusted by sliding a counterweight on the thin rod which extends out from the rear of the cartridge -mounting platform. Three counterweights are supplied, to match different cartridge weights. The cartridges that I used weighed about 6 grams, so used the heaviest counterweight, which was 6.1 grams. The other counterweights supplied are 1.8 and 3.9 grams each. Using the heaviest counterweight possible and keeping it close to the vertical pivot allows the lowest dynamic mass to be achieved. The total weight of the cartridge - mounting platform and the rod is only about 1.25 grams!
When a cartridge and counterweight of 6 grams each are added, the total mass [Teff-mass] is only 13.25 grams, which is extremely low.
The calculations supplied by Souther indicate that the effective dynamic mass of the SLA-3, with a cartridge mounted, is only about double the cartridge mass alone! Such low mass will cause the low-frequency resonance produced by the cartridge compliance and tonearm mass to be higher than the desired 10 to 15 Hz for most cartridges, especially low compliance moving-coil types.
A means is provided to lift the cartridge at the end of a record, by the attraction between the steel cartridge -mounting screws and a small magnet which can be mounted near the end of the track. did find some recordings which were recorded so close to the label that the magnetic attraction first reduced the tracking force (thus causing distortion) and then lifted the cartridge before the side was fin;shed. This can be eliminated by removing the magnet when playing such long records. The pivot-to-stylus distance for the SLA-3 is only 2 inches.
I checked the SLA-3 for its claimed ability to track warped records, since this is usually a weak point for such a short tonearm. placed a foam wedge under one side of a record, which caused it to vary in height a little over 3/e of an inch each revolution. The SLA-3 tracked the record even when tapped the side of the turntable base! Of course, the effects of wow could be heard easily.
I can’t imagine anyone expecting to even be able to play such a badly warped record on most turntables. also tried off -center records, and the SLA-3 did a decent job on these as well. However, the ability to track high-level passages is reduced alternately in the left and right channels as the stylus is forced back and forth. No stylus force indication is provided, so you will have to use a gauge to set the stylus force. (I use the Arpo 0.5 to 5-gram model to set tracking force, even on tonearms with calibrated adjustments. It is listed in the latest Jensen Tools catalog on page 127 and costs $74.95.) Since the output cables, which you must supply, plug into the top of the tonearm, they will probably interfere with most turntable covers. For turntables with floating suspension, the cables should be flexible.
As I mentioned earlier, there were a number of listening sessions, and the technical measurements were also repeated a number of times. The listening panel was invaluable in calling attention to subtle details in the sound reproduction, which, by further adjusting the SLA-3, I was able to improve. It is possible that performance might be further improved by additional refinements in the adjustments, but I felt that had arrived at a point where such improvements would be slight. The Shure V15 Type V cartridge was selected for the main body of the measurement and listening correlations, although other cartridges were also tested in the SLA-3.